Thursday, April 5, 2012

Reminiscing with my addiction

Hello.  My name is Beth, and I am a Shutterfly addict.  I don't remember exactly how I came to know Shutterfly: it may have been through Pampers Gifts to Grow and browsing through the reward options, or maybe someone introduced me to it, I don't remember.  I had heard about it, but I don't think I had ever used it until my sister made our son a book for his 1st birthday.  Then I remember really looking into the rewards on Pampers.  Then I signed up for their emails and that was it.  I created my own share site, I printed pictures to put into actual photo albums.  I created books and used my Pampers points to order them.  They even sent me codes for discounted prints, photo gifts, prints, books and codes for free books!  FREE books (S&H not included)!  I have made calendars, magnets, shopping bags, mugs and an ornament, most of those were gifts.  I'm working on our daughter's first year book right now.  I have their app on my phone - I can upload pics right from my phone to my folders or even my share site!  It's a photo junky's crack and enabler all in one.

Where am I going with this?

I just read with our son the book I made of his preschool-Pre-K years - his three years with the same teacher at her in-home preschool.  She was practically his second mother.  He was 2 1/2 when he started with her.  I saw three years of his life and education right in front of me, and our son was able to read along with me, thanks, in part, to her.  Reading the last few pages, of his last few days with her this past summer, I almost teared up.  It's hard not to tear up right now.  He has grown so much and it was hard knowing that when he went to school this year, she wasn't going to be his teacher.  I wasn't going to go and pick him up after work and be able to talk with her about his day: what he learned, what they played, funny stories of what he did or said.  He was one of 6.  Now he's one of 21.  Don't get me wrong: his teacher this year is very nice, and when I see her, she will pass on an anecdote of our son, or say how he's doing, but I don't get the daily report, or the closer relationship like I had with his preschool teacher.  I miss that.

I'm looking at his spring school picture on my desk.  So much has happened this year.  I guess I had better go and get started on his Shutterfly book for this year.

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