Tuesday, October 8, 2013

For my sister: Cleaning a ceramic stove top

Okay, so apparently how to clean a ceramic stove top is not common knowledge.  Picture this:

While at my sister's preparing for our mom's surprise birthday party (yep, she helped us clean for her own party she didn't know she was going to have!), I walk into the kitchen to the metalic sound of my sister and mom scraping the stove with spoons.  Yes.  Spoons.  So I ask them, "Um, guys?  You do know there's an easier way?"  The looked up, sweat beading on their browns, with shocked, yet hopeful looks.  "Really?!"  Yes, really.  I give you: the magic of a razor blade.

1)  Get a razor blade.  You can get them from pretty much any grocery/dollar/hardware store in packs of 5 for darn cheap.

2)  Hold the blade at about a 45 degree angle and gently scrape away gunk.

3) Wipe clean.

4) Voila!  Clean stove!

Note: do not use a razor blade to attempt to clean marble surfaces - you'll only scratch/dig into the marble.

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