Monday, November 4, 2013

Pile 'O Popcorn

My son is a Cub Scout.  A Wolf, to be exact.  Last year, there was a changing of the guard, so to speak, in our Pack as the former treasurer was leaving to follow her son to the Boy Scouts.  Somehow, I accepted the title "Treasurer".  As many of you know, in the fall, Scouts across the country participate in the annual popcorn sales drive.  Well, when I became treasurer, as there were no other committee members yet, I also became the "Popcorn Kernal".  Yes, you read that correctly.  That's what us people who run the popcorn sales are called.  "Popcorn Kernals".  We set up "Show & Sells", where the boys sell popcorn that we have on hand.  We organize the "Take & Sell" orders, which are the orders the boys take by selling off of the popcorn flyers.  We manage online sales, money, prizes and yes, popcorn.  This is what part of my dining room has looked like since the end of September:

There's more to the left of the boxes stacked with Kiddo's bunny "Cubby" protecting them.  And there's more to come when I go to pick up the "Take & Sell" orders.  Fortunately, popcorn season is almost over, and I'll get my dining room back.  Don't get me wrong: our Pack did really well selling this year, really embodied the "Do your best" motto of the Cub Scouts, and there are packs out there that I'm sure could fill someone's basement with boxes of popcorn and sell it all.  But I'm looking forward to not looking at boxes of popcorn.  Until next September.

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