As kids, home was where our caregivers, bed and favorite toys were. As college students, home was where we went to during breaks (if we weren't going off into the big world). As adults, I think the word "home" has many different definitions.
In the past 12 years, I have lived in 7 different places: Alexandria, VA; Va. Beach, VA; Detroit, MI; South Bend, IN; Brevard, NC; Lynchburg, VA and now PA. Out of those 7 places, I can honestly say I could only call 4 of them "home". And that number doesn't include Portland, OR, which I also consider "home", even though the longest I've ever lived there was 3 weeks (in kindergarten!). What is it about those places that made them home to me? I've done a lot of thinking on this and here is what I have come to believe my definition of "home" is.
Home is:
Where your loved ones are.
Where you can be who you are, without fear of judgement.
Where you have community.
Where your social, emotional and basic human needs are met.
So, why did only 4 out of 7 (plus Portland) make the list? Because only 4 out of 7 (plus Portland) met all four criteria. I grew up in Alexandria, so that was my first definition of home. Virginia Beach, even though I only lived there for 9 months, had family (my husband's), we had close friends that formed our community, I could be "me" with those friends and family, and all my social, emotional and basic needs were met. Same with Detroit, South Bend and Portland. Even though Detroit and South Bend didn't have direct access to extended family, I had my husband (and our son was born in South Bend) and friends who became our family. That's not to say that the other 3 places didn't meet some of the criteria, but to be considered home, in my mind, ALL the points need to be met. I've been in PA less than a year, so the jury is still out, but right now, I can't call PA "home" just yet (the fracking is impeding on the basic human needs portion, so PA might be a lost cause, but we'll see) .
What's your definition of home? Leave a comment if you like!
I have to agree with you, although I have never lived in any place other than Portland, OR (unless you call Hillsboro, OR another place, I don't). I can imagine moving to Alexandria, VA because I have family there, or to Pennsylvania for the same reason. But, I don't think I could just pick up my life and move somewhere else. I would not be satisfied in my personal life without my family around me.