When you look at this picture, what do you see? Mom and two kids at the beach, who look pretty happy (the little one doesn't look too fond of the wind). Here's what you don't see: how the children were born (vaginally or c-section; natural or medically induced labor; epidural or med free); if they are adopted or natural children; if they were breastfed, bottle fed or both; stay-at-home mom, work-at-home-mom, or work-out-of-the-home mom; home-schooled, public or private schooled; if they were fed only organic or if they had McDonald's on the way to the beach. You cannot tell any of that information by looking at this picture. Here's what I can tell you about that mom and her kids: she loves them deeply, and quite frankly, doesn't care how they got into her arms, as long as they got there. She dreamed of being a mom from the time she was a little girl. She's not a perfect mom, but she does the best she can. I am that mom. And I'll be damned if anyone says I'm less of a mother because of how those children came into my world. Who cares? They are here and they are mine. The "Mom Wars" need to stop.
*Inspired by "The Unnatural Mom" article on CNN.com: http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-1033811