Dear Kiddo:
I love you. You amaze me every day. You are funny, outgoing, a great friend and an active 7 year-old. You have a wonderful imagination that is apparent in your writing from school, your art project choices, and your dreams. You use your brain to figure out math problems much faster than I ever did when I was your age, and you enjoy the challenge of a new type of math problem or difficult word. You enjoy reading and you're good at it. You love school.
You're having some issues with some of the other boys at school. I'm so sorry. I know what that's like. It's frustrating and confusing. Yet, even when you've had a day with rough patches, you come home with a smile on your face. I like your attitude! When I hear about those rough patches and hear the hurt in your voice, my heart breaks. I can't be there to protect you from all of this, and I shouldn't be. It is my job as a parent to guide you so you know how to navigate these waters on your own. So, here's my advice:
- Be of strong character and stand up for yourself and others who are in similar situations, but don't be obnoxious about it. Look at the whole situation, say/do what needs to be said or done and move on. Easier said than done, I know, but the other kids are trying to figure out this whole socially acceptable thing too. Some have a harder time of it than others.
- Know when to walk away: if someone is just being mean, walk away and find a friend.
- Know when to tell an adult: if you, or someone else is being hurt, tell a teacher.
- Make other friends: find some kids who like the same things you do and like you for who you are. You have better things to do with your time than trying to be friends with someone who is not ready, or willing, to be a friend.
- Take pride in your accomplishments, but also take them in stride and encourage others who are doing well or struggling: in other words, "Be a good winner".
- Be a leader: leading is about give and take, not about bossing others around. A good leader listens to their friends and knows when to let others take a turn at leading. That means not taking over or interrupting a conversation, my little chatterbox.
Lastly: don't ever change who you are to fit what someone else thinks you should be. Your outgoing, active, imaginative and friendly personality will serve you well throughout life. Right now, it's elementary school and the world is a very big place. 1st grade is almost over and 2nd grade is a new year. A lot of growing and maturing can happen over a summer. It's time to enjoy some well deserved time off.
I love you Kiddo!